Turf Star Western


Lynx Training – PNW

Ramona BowmanRamona Bowman

Toro NSN

The TORO National Support Network & Turf Star Western
are once again pleased to be offering you the following:

Toro Lynx System

2020 Regional Lynx® Training Classes

Columbia Edgewater CC – Portland, OR:
February 10th – 11th – Lynx® Level 1 Class         

Gamble Sands Golf Resort – Brewster, WA:
February 13th – 14th  –  Lynx® Level 2 Class

For more information on classes, please contact either:
Carl Taylor – 253-266-6052   carl.taylor@turfstar.com
Roy Studebaker – 509-342-1415   roy.studebaker@turfstar.com

View Class Descriptions

Toro NSN’s field trainer will instruct both two-day classes. Learn Lynx and hone your skills. Each student will use a computer and will receive a manual with needed information and resource aids. Interact with other Lynx users.

The class tuition is $645 per two-day class. Many have prepaid class tuitions from extended support plans with NSN.  Those attending all four days will receive a $25 discount on each class. Lunch both days and dinner the first evening will be provided by NSN. Maximize your irrigation investment by attending!

GCSAA approved course with 1.55 external educations credits.

Registration:  Please register using the online form below.

Alternately you may download the registration form here.
Completed registration forms can be emailed to either  carl.taylor@turfstar.com or roy.studebaker@turfstar.com or faxed to Roy’s attention at: 509-483-7563.

Register early! Class size is limited!

Please enter your first & last name

Please enter the best phone # to reach you at

Please give us the best email to reach you at

The name of the golf course or entity that you work for

If known please enter your customer account number with our company

Please select the class you plan to attend. Classes are held at the above listed Turf Star locations.

If applicable, please list the names of others from your company who will also be attending.

Class tuition is $645 per person. Please indicate how you plan to pay. (Payment cannot be made online.)

If paying with a PO, please provide us with the PO # here.












